Thursday, May 28, 2009

Along comes baby

During all this, I found out that I was pregnant.

I knew two days before I took the test and I cried for those two day too.

I was terrified that the baby would be born with defects like my oldest son. I was terrified that the baby would have MSPI like my oldest. I worried about being able to afford another child, we were barely getting by then!

I remember calling my little sister crying hysterically the day before I took the test. I remember calling her from a WalMart after I took it in the bathroom there! :) I called her from a payphone and was almost yelling and bawling like a baby, I was terrified about how it would work, how it would all turn out.

I'd tell you how everyone reacted to the pregnancy but, that requires a whole other post! My husband, though shocked, was happy with a bit of fear too. He had the same issues I did but, at least he was happy. I still was not....Now, I'd not trade him for anything in the world and can't imagine a day without him but, then it was too much.

My pregnancy was monitor the whole time and seemed ok the whole way. Except no one could really decide on the age of the baby due to his size. Other than that, everything was running smoothly until one day...

Went to my OBGYN appointment, I had four weeks left to go. I'd been feeling really just sick and very tired, just off really. I'd had some serious contractions a day or so prior to the appointment but, they didn't last, I hadn't lost my mucus plug and it was too soon to worry about it really.

I remember my OBGYN asking me about contractions, making some comment about how really far down the baby was. He was worried about me going into labor soon. I kind of blew him off, even when he gave me a way to get a hold of him after hours!

I came home, was home maybe ten minutes and felt like I was peeing my pants and couldn't stop it. When my mother told me it was my water breaking, I almost laughed. It was too soon and I wasn't ready yet. I hadn't fully prepared my oldest son, I'd not packed a bag yet, I'd not gotten everything ready and the baby....what would this do to him?

This time, things were worse delivery wise for the baby. He turned breach after we were at the hospital! So, when they were trying to get a good hold on him to pull him out of my stomach, they didn't quite get a hold of him right and his first breath was inside of me! He inhaled amniotic fluid and a lot of it, or so I was told.

His APGAR score was 2 out of 10!

He is my tank though, just keeps plowing ahead no matter what, almost always happy. He made it through, without intubation. Which surprised most of the NICU staff. Four days later, he got to go home with me.

Now, real life began.

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